Love on a Diet

Starring: Sammi Cheng & Andy Lau

Released on: June 21, 2001

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A women who gained weight due to being heartbroken,
An obese but kind-hearted man;
This summer, they will go through a diet from hell.
Is this the latest diet fad?
Or just a test of will and passion?

Mini Mo (Sammi) is heartbroken after a failed relationship with her first love. She then ate all she can and turned into an overweight 260 lbs woman. One day, she found out her first love is now a famous movie actor. Mini longs to see him again, but is ashamed to let him see her disgusted fat look. She doesn't have the courage to say hi with her horrible weight. They decided to meet in Japan in 45 days.

Mini then meet a 300 lbs kind man named Fay Lo (Andy Lau). Fay Lo wants to help Mini get back to her normal weight and be with her first love. He decided to do all he can to help Mini lose all her weight and be beautiful again.

Will Mini successfully lose all her weight and reunite with her first love? Or will she starts a new relationship with Fay Lo?




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