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The first leng jai that Sammi picked turned out to be the same guy who sang with her two years ago, so Sammi quickly kicked him off the stage. The second volunteer sang Teach Me How Not to Love Him with Sammi. His voice wasn't that great, it was really raspy. Sammi told him to go home and practice some more. The next volunteer who Sammi referred to as Baby Fat sang Jackie Chan's Understanding My Heart in Mandarin. He was really nervous and shaky, so Sammi pretended to shake her microphone and lyrics also.

The audiences got a taste of On the Line of Emotion, the theme from Needing You. In addition, Sammi satisfied her mandarin fans with a song from her To Love CD. Sammi sang a few other artists' songs, including: Faye Wong's No Regret, Andy Hui's Love You and Emil Chow's Tomorrow I Will Marry You. When Sammi sang Lucky is Me, clips of Sammi from when she was 16 until now was shown.

One can see that it isn't luck that brought Sammi where she is today. She worked hard, improved herself as a singer, and changed her image to the one we know now. Sammi's voice is just as good live as when you listen to her CDs. Sammi's uniqueness is what will keep her fans coming back for more! She ended the night at about 10pm with Mutual and a huge smile.